
The 17th years of me

On 30th of October was officially been 17 years since I've been born. So, first, I thank God for still give me chance to live my life :)

Then, thanks to:
Ayah, bunda, dan dinda. Untuk segala pengorbanan dan pengertiannya. And thanks for the beautiful present. I love you all. Really love you.

Bea, ningrum, tamara & meinisa. For all the laughters, fun, and those crazy stuffs. Dude, you're all lighten up my world like nobody else :p LOVE YOU ALL!

Fakhri. My LDR-partner! Haha. Terimakasih untuk kesabarannya menghadapi saya :) and also thanks for everything you've done for me. XOXO.
Ps: Thanks for the gift you've sent. Love it.

And, you guys. Thanks for all the best wishes.


Three Stories

"Once, all villages decided to pray for a rain.
On the day of prayer, all people gathered but only one boy came with umbrella."
- That's FAITH.

"When you throw a one year old baby in the air,
he laughs because he knows his father will catch him."
- That's TRUST.

"Every night we go to bed, we have no assurance to wake up alive next morning, but still we set alarm for next morning."
- That's HOPE.