
the end is just a beginning

Happy new year 2010 !

may this year we more better :)




hello people.. how's yours day today? i hope its great because mine is perfect :D well, i just go back from jogjakarta last tuesday. and, i met my childhood friend!! we have been 3 years not met and not playing together. he moved to purworejo... really, I MISS HIM!

oyaaaa, and these all our picts:

DSC01510.jpg picture by tsarinaa

DSC01509.jpg picture by tsarinaa

DSC01542.jpg picture by tsarinaa

see ? NOW, let's compare with this pict guys!

DSC02451.jpg childhood-friend picture by tsarinaa

hehehe, well, that photo was taken.... hhm about 12 years ago! haha :D

okay fellas, see ya later at the next post.


my last day @school in this december

hell-o !

im very happy today guys! because, today is my last day at school in this december. and tmrrw, i'll go to jogkarta.. anyone want to join? :D

o yes, i've done test (again). yep yep, gua ada tes lagi disekolah selama dua hari ini. test penempatan kelas buat pemantapan UN nanti. gua sih ngerjain semampunya gue aja. but, you know what... gua punya soalnya. sama persis. serius, gua gada niat nyimpen atau nyari bocoran. apalagi cuma buat sekedar test gini doang. gua dapet soal dari tata - sepupu gua. gua emang di copy-in banyak soal dari tata. buat latihan UN tujuannya. tidak di sangka-sangka, ternyata soal yang punya gua itu, sama persis sama yang kemaren (sampe hari ini) dijadiin soal tes! well, serius gua-ga-ada-niat-sama-sekali-punya-bocoran. mungkin gua hanya 'lucky' aja kali hehe ;p

oyaaaa, and i wish, i wish, i wish.. aku tidak ditempatkan dikelas yang paling atas atau yang anaknya pinter-pinter! selain gua takut ga bisa ngikutin ritme belajar mereka, biasanya guru-guru yang di kelas 'anak-anak bibit unggul' ini abal-abal. sucks.

oya, terakhir, gua cuma mau bilang: jadi ya, selama gua test 2 hari ini, 4 mata pelajaran (bahasa Indonesia, math, science, english) gua salah ngisi LJK loh, what the hell -,-

jadi, kolom yang ternyata 'tanggal lahir,' gua ngisinya itu tanggal ujian hahahahahaha, geblek. tau ah, biarin aja ;p mudah-mudahan ga jadi masalah.

ok guys, smell ya later
have a nice holidaaaay ~ kisses and hugs :D


yap, today.... december 14th 2009

we have been together for nine months
i know, that someday may be you will leave me
but i don't know when and how

so, as long as i could loving you, i'll do it
just go with the flow
its not worth worrying about



fav. love quotes

my favorite love quotes :D
  • find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep. wait for the boys who kisses you forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you're in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on. one who's constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you.. the one who turns to his friends and says, "that's her."
  • love doesnt have to be fireworks, or butterflies. love comes softly and slowly.
  • you dont know how good are you. but God knows how special you are
  • when the one you love says: "i'll love you forever," just smile and say: "warn me when forever starts to end."
  • they say follow your heart. but when your heart is in so many pieces. which way are you to follow ? brain.
  • you can't fail, if you dont give up
  • the way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost
  • love is sweet when its new, but sweeter when its true
  • wherever you go, go with all your heart


first of all, i wanna tell about this (please, read it carefully guys) :

i became a vocalist. vo-cal-ist.
vocalist. v-o-c-a-l-i-s-t.

got it ? someone that singing lalalallaaa... YEAH, i know, i know, its sooo ridiculous! aaah, well, actually, my voice is not too good guys.

i became vocalist in my boyf band. the Benedict. he asked me to be a vocalist in his band. and the good (or bad?) news is, i accept it! wowowoww, my mom laughed when i told her about this. she knows that my voice not good enough.

ok, second, i've done the test guyssssssssss!!! ah im free. im free like a bird :D i wish, i'll get a nice score.

third, im goin to jogjakarta (my mom's homeland ;DD) on december 16th !! i wish (ooh, i make many wishes today) it will be a nice trip ;p

at the end, i just wanna say... goodbye! ;D
see ya, at the next post.