
I've done ALL the tests

hueaaaaalllloooowwww my sweetblog it's nice to 'see' you again and share something to all of you guys. you know that.... I've done ALL the tests! fufufufufu it was sooo hard

and second news, gue udah keterima di SMA 3 tangsel. ya Alhamdullilah sekali, deket rumah sekolahnya nyahahahaha. jadi nanti gue sma bangun ga usah pagi-pagi, asssyyyiiikk :3 sekarang, gue tinggal menunggu pengumuman kelulusan SMP tanggal 7 mei. doakan yaaa :)

third news, pacar gue juga udah keterima di SMA 2 tangsel. ya, pisah. gue ga tau bisa ngejalaninnya apa enggak, hahaha. wish we luck aja :D we will trying to keep this relationship.

hahaha okay guys, sampai sini aja dulu. nanti kalau LULUS gue posting lagi. byeee, see ya